
< The King of Exploration of: Server Match>


Greetings, Commander. The King of Exploration event is back!

Your records will be important in this exploration event, but the records of other commanders will be equally as important. Work with commanders on the same server to reach the farthest point in the galaxy.


The results will be based on data from exploration events that take place after July 3 at 08:00 UTC.



Explore the farthest space using exploration fuels. The exploration record for servers is the exploration average of all commanders on that server.

All the commanders who have obtained one of the fuels will be recorded. After each server's exploration history average has been compared, rewards will be determined by how far the servers have explored. For rewards, please check the following.



The rewards will be sent sequentially from July 17 to July 20 according to the server’s log data after the event ends.

Individual compensation and server compensation are possible rewards that are obtainable. Please check both rewards.


<Individual rewards>

Clear 10 stages: 5 x Master Scouts

Clear 20 stages: 10 x Master Scouts

Clear 30 stages: 15 x Master Scouts

Clear 40 stages: 30 x Master Scouts

Clear 50 stages: 40 x Master Scouts

* Only one highest level of compensation will be awarded.


<Server Ranking Compensations>

• Depending on the server ranking, special in-game events will be applied during the following period!

• Please check the following images for the schedule.

• The following in-game event schedule is based on KST, and may change depending on the situation.


17th: Better item chance up

18th: Hero Exp. up

19th: Better item chance up

20th: Better planet discovery chance up

21st: Better Hero chance up

22nd: Planet colonization expense down

23rd: Hero Exp. up

24th: Better item chance up

25th: Hero Exp. up

26th: Better item chance up

27th: Facility construction cost down

28th: Better item chance up

29th: Research AP down

30th: Better Tron chance up


- All servers: 20-23, 27-30

- Top 2nd and 3rd servers: 19-23, 26-30

- Top server: all 17-30


We look forward to your participation!

Thank you!